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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sketch is awesome UI Interface designing tool.
I love it play it.

What is Sketch App?

 Sketch is a vector drawing app intended for designers of all sorts. Vector-based drawing is by far
 the best way to design websites, icons or interfaces. On top of this vector editing we have added
 support for basic bitmap styles, such as blur and color corrections.
 Sketch is the ultimate tool for iOS, Android and Web design. It barely weights 41MB in disk space,
 compared to Photoshop's 1.6GB. As soon as you open it, you are greeted with an infinite canvas.
 No window will ask you about what units to use or what size your canvas should be.
 Just like native OS X apps, you have a familiar user interface with a Toolbar,
 Navigator and Inspector. As a result, new users will find Sketch far more approachable because

 it doesn’t get in the way of producing simple designs.

Why use Sketch?

 Definitely agree on illustrator. I've tried to use sketch and whilst it has a few nice
 features with regards to exporting, I've always found myself returning to illustrator for
 its far superior handling of creating and editing paths. Illustrator's pen tool, pathfinder
 and masking alone is far superior and makes light work of tasks that are a pain to achieve
 in Sketch. Sketch is definitely a a promising tool and already better suited to UI design

 than Photoshop although I really don't get why people havn't been using illustrator all along!


Artboards are the Screens of your app. Each Artboard represents a
 screen or an interaction within a screen.
 Artboards allow you to create fixed frames on Sketch’s
 infinite Canvas, but they’re completely optional.
 You can easily rearrange, duplicate (⌘ D) or export them.
 Press A to create a new Artboard, then you’ll find a list of

 templates (iOS, Android, Web or Print) to start from.


A document in Sketch can contain any number of Pages. To add a new Page, click the Show Page
List button, on top of the Layer List, and click the add button.
Each Page represents a platform or a completely different resolution. For most projects,
you’ll have twenty something Artboards for a platform like iOS. Then, you’d create another
Page for Android, Web, Apple Watch, tvOS, etc. That way, you can have an entire project
within a single Sketch file, saving you a ton of time switching between screens and platforms.


The Inspector on the right lets you adjust the settings for the current layer,
or the options for the current tool. When you have a layer selected you will
see that the Inspector is divided into sections.

Layout Settings:-

Layout Settings allows you to set variables that grid dimensions, but I usually specify only 2 things
and let it calculate the rest accordingly: Total Width and Gutter Width. You can also switch between
the guides being filled versus outlined, depending on your preference. If you use the same settings often, you can set them as the default so that every new artboard you create inherits those same settings.

Symbols like (photoshop shape or smart objects):-

Symbols is a powerful feature in Sketch that allows you
to reuse elements easily across Artboards and Pages.
Creating a symbol is simple. You can make them from existing layer groups or loose layers.
If you select a bunch of loose layers, Sketch groups them for you when creating the symbol.
With the desired item(s) selected, click the Create Symbol icon in the toolbar, or select Layer>Create Symbol in the menu. If you've got a group selected, you can also right-click in the Layers List and select Create Symbol.

What Sketch is not:-

Sketch is not a bitmap editor. This means that if you want to do photo

correction or draw with brushes, this is not the app for you.

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