Save the commands in a power shell script file and execute it in any of the servers present in FARM.
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Restarting IIS on all the servers in FARM..."
# Get the local farm instance
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]$farm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::get_Local()
#Step through each server in the array and perform an IISRESET
#Also show IIS service status after the reset has completed
foreach ($server in $farm.Servers)
if($server.Role -ne "Invalid")
Write-Host -foregroundcolor White ""
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow "Restarting IIS on server $server..."
IISRESET $server.Name /noforce
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow "IIS status for server $server"
IISRESET $server.Name /status
Write-Host Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green IIS has been restarted on all servers
Read-Host 'Done...'